Kamala Harris An Enneagram Type 3

Wed Jun 21 2023

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

Disclaimer This analysis of Kamala Harris’s Enneagram type is speculative, based on publicly available information, and may not reflect the actual personality type of Kamala.

You've witnessed her charisma, heard her speeches, and seen her navigate the challenging terrain of American politics.

Kamala Harris, the first female Vice President of the United States, is both celebrated and scrutinized. Today, we delve into an intriguing aspect of Harris’s persona, exploring her through the lens of Enneagram Type 3 - The Achiever.

TL;DR: Why Kamala Harris is an Enneagram type 3
  • Ambitious Ascent: Kamala Harris's climb from a prosecutor to the Vice President of the United States epitomizes the ambition characteristic of Type 3. Her journey, marked by significant achievements and societal recognition, echoes Type 3's drive for success and affirmation.
  • Inner World: Inside Kamala’s mind, there might be a daily striving for excellence and a continuous self-evaluation against the goals set. Her actions, whether in policy advocacy or public addresses, likely stem from a desire to resonate with her audience, showcasing the adaptable and goal-oriented mindset of Type 3.
  • Spectrum of Scrutiny: The critique surrounding Kamala’s supposed 'fake laugh' and verbose responses in certain discussions can be seen as a defense mechanism, a Type 3’s way of maintaining a favorable facade. These reactions could symbolize a Type 3's core fear of worthlessness, eliciting empathy towards the pressures of maintaining a poised image amidst scrutiny.
  • Core Motivation: Kamala's actions, alliances, and public engagements can be traced back to Type 3's core motivation of feeling valued and accepted. Whether mending fences with Joe Biden post-debate or aligning with advocacy groups, these actions reflect a strategic pursuit to resonate with others, further her goals, and achieve a sense of validation and accomplishment.

What is Kamala Harris’ Personality Type?

Enneagram Type 3: The Achiever

Enneagram Type 3 is known for its drive for success, efficiency, and a profound desire to be affirmed and valued. They are often seen as self-assured, ambitious, and energetic individuals motivated by goals and their subsequent recognition upon achieving them.

As we venture into the compelling world of Kamala Harris, we’ll uncover instances that resonate with these characteristic traits of a Type 3 personality.

The Ascent of Ambition

Kamala’s rise to political prominence is a narrative steeped in ambition.

Her career as a prosecutor, district attorney, attorney general, and eventually the United States vice president is a testament to her unyielding ambition. Each step of her journey was marked by significant achievements, reflecting a Type 3’s desire for success and societal recognition.

Tailored Tenacity

Type 3s are known for their ability to adapt their approach to suit the expectations of their audience, striving to present themselves in a manner that is most likely to secure success and approval. Kamala’s political journey exhibits this skill.

One notable instance is her performance during the Democratic primary debates in 2019. In a heated exchange with Joe-Biden, Kamala showcased her capacity to adapt her narrative to resonate with the audience. She tactfully broached a personal story of being part of the second class to integrate at her public school as a child, connecting it to Biden’s past opposition to school busing. This maneuver demonstrated her adeptness at utilizing personal anecdotes to underscore her stance. It highlighted her ability to adjust her narrative to create a compelling and emotionally resonant moment on stage.

Moreover, her campaign slogan, “For the People,” echoes a tailored approach aimed at resonating with a broad spectrum of voters. The slogan encapsulates a message of inclusivity and advocacy, aligning with the desires and expectations of a diverse electorate.

Her adeptness at molding her rhetoric based on the audience’s pulse, whether during debates, public addresses, or campaign slogans, encapsulates the essence of Type 3’s tailored tenacity. Each maneuver is calculated, reflecting a deep understanding of the audience’s expectations and a keen ability to adapt her narrative accordingly to ensure a favorable impression.

These instances reflect the skill and charisma of Type 3 and their ability to read the room.

The Spectrum of Scrutiny

Kamala’s journey has been full of controversies and public scrutiny.

A particular aspect that often catches the eye is her laughter, sometimes perceived as disingenuous or used as a mechanism to navigate through tricky or uncomfortable questions. This behavior, often dubbed a ‘fake laugh’ by critics, can be seen as a Type 3 defense mechanism to maintain a poised and likable facade amidst scrutiny.

Moreover, her tendency to delve into lengthy explanations — sometimes ending up in what critics label as ‘word salad’ — is another aspect that has been under the microscope. This trait can be tied to Type 3’s desire to appear competent and knowledgeable. An instance that illustrates this is her discussion around Artificial Intelligence (AI). When broached on complex topics like AI, Kamala has tended to become verbose, seemingly dancing around the issue with a flurry of words yet lacking a direct stance or clear articulation. This behavior might reflect a Type 3’s fear of appearing incompetent or unprepared, hence resorting to a verbose shield.

These instances under the spotlight provide a window into the pressures and coping mechanisms of a Type 3 personality and contribute to the intricate narrative that is Kamala Harris’ public persona.

Comrades of Conviction

The journey of forming alliances in the political arena is a testament to an individual’s adaptability and strategic foresight.

Kamala Harris’s relationship with Joe Biden reflects this intricacy. During the 2019 Democratic primary debates, Kamala was noted for her critique of Biden concerning school busing policies. Despite this early contention, the two were able to transcend their differences, culminating in Kamala being chosen as Biden’s Vice President. This transition reflects her ability to reconcile and build bridges despite prior disagreements, an attribute resonating with the adaptable and goal-oriented nature of Enneagram Type 3 personalities.

Kamala’s alliances extend beyond individual relationships to encompass groups and factions within the political landscape. During her term, Kamala defended California’s greenhouse gas emission standards against federal attempts to weaken them. Aligning with environmental advocacy groups, she bolstered her stance and created a joint coalition to tackle climate change issues. This alliance reflected her strategic insight and showcased a Type 3 personality trait of forming goal-oriented relationships to achieve shared objectives.

These instances underscore Kamala’s adeptness at nurturing relationships and building a camaraderie rooted in mutual respect and shared objectives while navigating the complex dynamics of political alliances.

How Each Enneagram Type Perceives Kamala Harris

Type 1- The Perfectionist:

May admire Kamala’s dedication to her career and her pursuit of justice and advocacy, yet might critique perceived inconsistencies in her stances

Type 2- The Helper:

Likely appreciate Kamala’s community-oriented campaigns and advocacy for marginalized groups.

Type 3- The Achiever:

Would resonate with Kamala’s ambition, her journey of achievements, and her knack for adapting to audience expectations.

Type 4- The Individualist:

Might feel a disconnect with Kamala’s political persona, yearning for a deeper revelation of authentic emotions amidst the political facade.

Type 5- The Investigator:

Could be intrigued by Kamala’s legal and political strategies, yet may desire a deeper analysis and clarity in her policy stances.

Type 6- The Loyalist:

May appreciate Kamala’s loyalty to her political allies and causes, yet might be wary of change instances over time.

Type 7- The Enthusiast:

Likely drawn to Kamala’s charisma and energy on stage, appreciating her ability to engage and inspire audiences.

Type 8- The Challenger:

Might respect Kamala’s tenacity in facing opposition, yet could challenge her on perceived inconsistencies or lack of directness in certain policy matters.

Type 9- The Peacemaker:

May appreciate Kamala’s ability to mend fences and build alliances, valuing her efforts to foster collaboration amidst political discord.

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