Kamala Harris: The Chameleon Achiever and an Enneagram Type 3

Wed Jun 21 2023

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

Disclaimer This analysis of Kamala Harris’s Enneagram type is speculative, based on publicly available information, and may not reflect the actual personality type of Kamala.

Table of Contents

You've witnessed her charisma, heard her speeches, and seen her navigate the challenging terrain of American politics.

Kamala Harris, the first woman and person of color to become Vice President of the United States, embodies the drive and adaptability characteristic of an Enneagram Type 3. Known as “The Achiever,” Type 3s are goal-oriented, image-conscious individuals who thrive on success and recognition. But there’s more to Harris than meets the eye.

Did you know she’s an avid cook who enjoys preparing Sunday family dinners?

Or that she plays bass guitar, a passion inherited from her jazz musician father? These lesser-known facts paint a picture of a well-rounded individual, typical of Type 3s who often cultivate diverse interests to enhance their image and adaptability.

TL;DR: Why Kamala Harris is an Enneagram Type 3
  • Ambitious Ascent: Kamala Harris's climb from a prosecutor to the Vice President of the United States epitomizes the ambition characteristic of Type 3. Her journey, marked by significant achievements and societal recognition, echoes Type 3's drive for success and affirmation.
  • Inner World: Inside Kamala's mind, there might be a daily striving for excellence and a continuous self-evaluation against the goals set. Her actions, whether in policy advocacy or public addresses, likely stem from a desire to resonate with her audience, showcasing the adaptable and goal-oriented mindset of Type 3.
  • Spectrum of Scrutiny: The critique surrounding Kamala's supposed 'fake laugh' and verbose responses in certain discussions can be seen as a defense mechanism, a Type 3's way of maintaining a favorable facade. These reactions could symbolize a Type 3's core fear of worthlessness, eliciting empathy towards the pressures of maintaining a poised image amidst scrutiny.
  • Core Motivation: Kamala's actions, alliances, and public engagements can be traced back to Type 3's core motivation of feeling valued and accepted. Whether mending fences with Joe Biden post-debate or aligning with advocacy groups, these actions reflect a strategic pursuit to resonate with others, further her goals, and achieve a sense of validation and accomplishment.

Childhood Dreams and Courtroom Dramas

Growing up in Berkeley, California, young Kamala was surrounded by activism and intellectual discourse. Her parents, both immigrants and civil rights activists, instilled in her a strong sense of justice and the importance of hard work.

My mother would look at me and she’d say, ‘Kamala, you may be the first to do many things, but make sure you’re not the last,’” Harris once recalled.

This early encouragement to excel and pave the way for others is classic Type 3 fuel. It’s no wonder Harris set her sights on becoming a lawyer and prosecutor - roles that would allow her to showcase her skills and make a tangible impact.

The Inner World of an Achiever: Kamala's Drive for Success

Imagine being inside Kamala’s head for a day. It might sound something like this:

Okay, what’s next on the agenda? I need to prep for that committee hearing, review the latest polling data, and squeeze in my morning workout. Can’t let anything slip through the cracks. People are counting on me to deliver.

This constant mental checklist is typical of Type 3s, who are always strategizing their next move. For Harris, this manifests in her meticulous preparation and ability to adapt quickly in high-pressure situations.

From Courtroom to Campaign Trail: The Emotional Landscape of a Type 3

Stressors and Anxieties: The Fear of Failure

For Type 3s like Harris, the fear of failure can be paralyzing. Remember her fumble during the Democratic primary debates? When pressed on her record as a prosecutor, Harris struggled to defend herself effectively.

This moment likely triggered deep-seated anxieties about her image and competence - core concerns for Type 3s. But true to form, Harris bounced back, demonstrating the resilience that defines her personality type.

Pride and Fulfillment: Breaking Barriers and Making History

On the flip side, Harris’s proudest moments align perfectly with Type 3 values. Becoming the first Black woman elected as California’s Attorney General? Check. Making history as the first woman, first Black person, and first person of South Asian descent to become Vice President? Double check.

These achievements aren’t just personal victories for Harris - they’re validation of her worth and capabilities, which Type 3s crave.

The Chameleon Effect: Kamala's Adaptability in Action

One of the most striking aspects of Harris’s public persona is her ability to adapt her message and demeanor to different audiences. This chameleon-like quality is a hallmark of Type 3s, who are adept at reading a room and adjusting accordingly.

Watch Harris on the campaign trail, and you’ll see this in action. One moment she’s sharing a heartfelt story about her mother, the next she’s delivering a blistering critique of an opponent. This flexibility allows her to connect with a wide range of voters and colleagues - a crucial skill in politics.

Behind the Scenes: Kamala's Daily Rituals and Inner Circle

The Early Bird Gets the Worm (and the Workout)

Harris is known for her disciplined morning routine, which includes a 6 a.m. workout. This dedication to self-improvement and maintaining a polished image is textbook Type 3 behavior.

I work out every morning, regardless of how much sleep I’ve had,” Harris has said. “It’s just the best way to start the day.

This commitment to physical appearance and health is deeply ingrained in the Type 3 psyche. For Achievers like Harris, looking good often translates to feeling confident and capable - essential traits for someone in the public eye.

The Power of a Trusted Inner Circle

While Type 3s are often seen as social butterflies, they typically have a small circle of trusted confidants. For Harris, this includes her husband, Doug Emhoff, and her sister, Maya Harris.

These relationships provide a safe space for Harris to let down her guard and be vulnerable - something that doesn’t come naturally to achievement-oriented Type 3s.

The Double-Edged Sword: Strengths and Weaknesses of Kamala's Type 3 Personality

Kamala’s Strengths: The Achiever’s Arsenal

Ambition: Kamala’s Rocket Fuel

What propels a deputy DA to VP in less than two decades?

For Kamala Harris, it’s Type 3 ambition. Her swift rise from San Francisco’s DA to U.S. Senator epitomizes relentless drive. This meteoric ascent showcases the Achiever’s unyielding pursuit of success, a defining trait of Enneagram Type 3s.

Harris’s career trajectory is a testament to the power of ambition when coupled with strategic planning.

Adaptability: The Political Chameleon

How does a critic become a running mate?

Harris’s chameleon-like ability to adapt is classic Type 3. She seamlessly shifted from challenging Biden to becoming his advocate. This flexibility allows her to navigate complex political landscapes, building broad coalitions crucial in today’s polarized environment.

Her adaptability demonstrates the Type 3’s skill in reading rooms and adjusting strategies to achieve their goals.

Weaknesses: The Achiever’s Achilles Heel

Can the drive for success become a liability?

Harris’s Type 3 traits, while powerful, have their downsides. Her image consciousness has led to criticism of being overly cautious and scripted. During the 2020 primaries, her attempts to appeal to multiple demographics sometimes came across as inauthentic.

Her workaholic tendencies, while fueling her rise, have reportedly contributed to high staff turnover. Former aides describe a demanding boss with exacting standards, reflecting the Type 3’s relentless pursuit of excellence.

Harris’s struggle to defend her prosecutor record showcases another Type 3 pitfall: difficulty acknowledging past mistakes that might tarnish their image of success.

These weaknesses highlight the delicate balance Type 3s must strike between ambition and authenticity, between projecting success and maintaining genuine connections.

The challenge for Harris, as for all Achievers, lies in harnessing her strengths while mitigating these potential pitfalls.

Love, Friendship, and the Type 3 Dynamic

Finding Balance in Romance

Harris’s marriage to Doug Emhoff offers insight into how Type 3s approach romantic relationships. Emhoff’s supportive and grounding presence complements Harris’s ambitious nature, providing a stable foundation for her high-powered career.

We’re a team,” Emhoff has said. ”It’s not about her, it’s not about me. It’s about us.

This partnership allows Harris to pursue her goals while also having a safe space to be herself - a crucial balance for Type 3s.

The Biden-Harris Dynamic

The relationship between Harris and President Joe Biden offers another interesting glimpse into how Type 3s navigate professional partnerships. Initially competitors during the Democratic primaries, their transition to running mates and now to President and VP showcases the Type 3’s ability to adapt and align themselves with paths to success.

Their partnership, while not without its challenges, demonstrates Harris’s skill at playing a supporting role when necessary - a sometimes difficult task for achievement-oriented Type 3s who are used to being in the spotlight.

Interestingly, Biden is often considered an Enneagram Type 2, known as “The Helper.” This dynamic between a Type 3 and a Type 2 can be complementary, with Biden’s desire to support and assist aligning well with Harris’s drive to achieve and be recognized. However, it can also lead to potential conflicts, as Type 3s may sometimes perceive Type 2s as overly emotional or clingy, while Type 2s might view Type 3s as too focused on image and success.

In public appearances, we often see this dynamic play out. Biden frequently praises Harris’s accomplishments and capabilities, feeding into her Type 3 need for recognition. Meanwhile, Harris adapts her role to support Biden’s agenda, showcasing her Type 3 flexibility. This interplay of personalities contributes to their effectiveness as a leadership team, despite occasional reported tensions.

This blog is written for you to learn about yourself, not just about Kamala Harris

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Controversy and Growth: The Evolution of Kamala Harris

Harris’s journey hasn’t been without its challenges. Her record as a tough prosecutor has faced scrutiny, particularly her stance on truancy and drug offenses. This tenacity in pursuing justice (and success) is characteristic of Type 3s, who often believe that the ends justify the means when it comes to achieving their goals.

Reports of high staff turnover in her office have surfaced, with some former employees describing a tough work environment. This aligns with the Type 3 tendency to be intensely focused on goals, sometimes at the expense of interpersonal relationships. The drive to succeed can occasionally make Type 3s appear cutthroat or difficult to work with, potentially hindering their ability to form lasting alliances.

Yet, in true Type 3 fashion, Harris has used these challenges as opportunities for growth and redefinition. She’s adapted her messaging and policy positions, demonstrating the Type 3’s ability to evolve and improve.

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Kamala as Vice President: Type 3 in the White House

As Vice President, Harris’s Type 3 characteristics have been both an asset and a challenge. Her adaptability has allowed her to take on various roles within the administration, from leading on voting rights issues to addressing the root causes of migration from Central America. This flexibility is a hallmark of Type 3s, who are adept at molding themselves to meet the needs of different situations.

However, Harris has also faced criticism for what some perceive as a lack of concrete achievements in her role. This struggle highlights a common challenge for Type 3s: balancing the desire for visible successes with the often behind-the-scenes nature of the vice presidency.

Policy Approach and Type 3 Influence

One area where Harris’s Type 3 traits have been particularly evident is in her approach to policy. As an Achiever, she tends to gravitate towards issues where she can make a tangible impact and gain recognition. This has led her to focus on high-profile topics like voting rights and immigration, where success could significantly boost her political standing.

Harris has also been accused of “flip-flopping” on certain issues, a criticism that aligns with the Type 3 tendency to adapt to what they perceive as the most advantageous position. For instance, her stance on criminal justice reform has evolved significantly from her days as a prosecutor. While she once took a tough-on-crime approach, she later supported the Black Lives Matter movement and called for police reform. This shift can be seen as a Type 3’s ability to read the room and adjust their stance to align with current societal values and expectations.

Critics argue that this adaptability can come across as inauthentic or opportunistic. However, supporters might view it as a necessary evolution in response to changing times and new information - a quality that can be valuable in a leader.

Type 3 Traits in Decision-Making

From a policy perspective, Harris’s Type 3 traits influence her decision-making process in several ways:

  1. Results-oriented approach: As an Achiever, Harris tends to focus on policies that can yield tangible, measurable outcomes. This can be seen in her emphasis on practical solutions to issues like the migrant crisis at the southern border.

  2. Image consciousness: Harris is keenly aware of how her policy positions are perceived. This Type 3 characteristic leads her to carefully craft her public statements and policy proposals to resonate with her target audience.

  3. Adaptability: Her ability to shift her stance on issues like marijuana legalization (from opposition as a prosecutor to support as a senator) demonstrates the Type 3’s flexibility in adjusting to new political realities.

Expert Opinions

Dr. Suzanne Stabile, a renowned Enneagram expert, offers insight into how Type 3s like Harris operate in leadership roles: “Type 3s are incredibly adaptable and can quickly assess what’s needed in any given situation. They’re natural chameleons, which can be both a strength and a weakness in politics.”

Political analyst David Axelrod has noted Harris’s Type 3 tendencies, stating, “She’s always been very attuned to how she’s perceived and very focused on advancement. That’s not unusual in politics, but it’s particularly pronounced with her.”

The 'Brat' Endorsement: Kamala's Pop Culture Moment

In a surprising turn of events, Harris’s campaign recently leaned into an unexpected endorsement from British pop singer Charli XCX, who tweeted ”kamala IS brat” following Harris’s announcement of her presidential bid.

This embrace of the ‘brat’ persona - which Charli XCX defines as “that girl who is a little messy and likes to party and maybe says some dumb things sometimes, who feels herself, but then also maybe has a breakdown, but kind of parties through it” - is an interesting move for Harris.

It showcases the Type 3’s adaptability and willingness to reshape their image to connect with different audiences. By adopting the neon green ‘brat’ aesthetic and even using Charli’s music in campaign TikToks, Harris’s team is making a bold play for the youth vote.

This strategy aligns perfectly with the Type 3’s chameleon-like ability to adapt to different environments and present the most appealing version of themselves to each audience.

The Lasting Impact of an Achiever

As we reflect on Kamala Harris's journey through the lens of Enneagram Type 3, we see a leader shaped by ambition, adaptability, and a desire to make history. Her story illustrates both the power and the pitfalls of the Achiever personality. From her early morning workouts to her ability to pivot in high-pressure situations, Harris embodies the complex, multifaceted nature of the Type 3 personality. Understanding Harris through the Enneagram lens offers valuable insights into her motivations, strengths, and challenges. As Harris continues to navigate her role as Vice President and potentially eyes future political aspirations, her Type 3 characteristics will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping her decisions and public image. If you like diving into personality, explore our questions and go deeper with the Enneagram. 🚀

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