Enneagram Self Development

(Updated: 5/7/2024)

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You are not a self-help and personal development junkie if you haven't explored the Enneagram.

The Enneagram is not just about your strengths and weaknesses but also about your inner motivations and fears. It is a complicated system of nine interconnected personality types. Each type is defined by a childhood wound, where the person deals with unresolved emotional trauma. This forces the person to develop coping mechanisms that make up their personality. Are you aware of your coping mechanisms?

While it’s unnecessary to know every detail about each type, having a basic understanding of the system can be helpful in your own life.

Here are a few ways the Enneagram can support you in your self development journey.

Starting Conversations and Connecting with Others

The Enneagram can be a fantastic icebreaker when meeting new people.

Imagine you’re at a party and someone asks about your Enneagram type. You share that you’re a Type 2, the Helper, and suddenly you’re explaining your desire to support others and make a difference in the world. You might even discover that you have similar struggles with setting boundaries and taking care of your own needs.

Tip: When discussing the Enneagram with others, approach the conversation with curiosity and openness. Ask questions about their experiences and share your own insights without judgment. Check out this blog for specific tips on communicating with different Enneagram types.

Making Sense of Yourself and Others

Have you ever had a lightbulb moment when reading about your Enneagram type? Maybe you’re a Type 5, the Investigator, and you suddenly realize why you’ve always felt the need to withdraw and recharge after social interactions. Or perhaps you’re a Type 8, the Challenger, and you gain a new appreciation for your natural leadership skills and desire to protect others.

Tip: Take some time to reflect on your own patterns and motivations through the lens of your Enneagram type. Write down your insights in a journal and consider sharing them with a trusted friend or therapist.

Practical Applications for Decision-Making

Let’s say you’re a Type 6, the Loyalist, and you’re faced with a big decision about whether to take a new job.

Your Enneagram knowledge can help you navigate this choice by reminding you to trust your own intuition and seek support from your inner circle. You might also realize that your fear of change is holding you back, and that stepping outside your comfort zone could lead to great opportunities.

Tip: When faced with a decision, consider how your Enneagram type might be influencing your thought process. Are you letting fear or shame drive your choices, or are you staying true to your authentic self?

Recognizing when you are stressed and doing well

Picture this: you’re a Type 1, the Reformer, and you’ve been working tirelessly on a project for weeks.

Suddenly, you find yourself snapping at your colleagues and feeling overwhelmed by the smallest tasks. This could be a sign that you’re in your stress number, Type 4, and need to take a step back and practice self-care.

Tip: Familiarize yourself with your type’s stress and comfort numbers, and pay attention to the signs that you might be shifting into one of these modes. Develop a toolkit of self-care practices that can help you navigate these transitions with grace.

Develop emotional awareness

As a Type 9, the Peacemaker, you might have a tendency to avoid conflict and suppress your own anger in order to maintain harmony. By exploring your relationship with anger through the Enneagram, you can learn to acknowledge and express this emotion in healthy ways, rather than letting it simmer beneath the surface.

Tip: Practice naming and validating your emotions, even if they feel uncomfortable or scary. Remember that all emotions are valid and have something to teach us.

Recognize underlying goals and fears

Imagine you’re a Type 3, the Achiever, and you’ve been working tirelessly to earn a promotion at work. When you finally receive the good news, you feel a sense of emptiness rather than joy. This could be a sign that your underlying goal of success and recognition is out of alignment with your authentic self.

Tip: Take some time to reflect on your deepest goals and fears, and consider whether they are serving your highest good. Are you chasing after external validation or staying true to your own values and desires?


In using the Enneagram as a tool for personal growth and self-improvement, it’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique. You should take what you need from the Enneagram and use it in a way that supports your own growth and wellbeing. Remember that this is a journey without a finish line.

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