Enneagram Dating Guide for Men

Fri Sep 13 2024

male Greek statue on a first date
Table of Contents

Welcome gentlemen to your Enneagram tailored dating roadmap!

The following is going to be confusing if you don’t know your Enneagram type (go here for a quick beginners guide).

Now that you know your Enneagram type you are ready to dive into the insights and strategies for your Enneagram type to elevate your dating game. We’ll explore what you’re really after in the dating world, the mindset shifts that’ll take you to the next level, and tactical advice for those crucial first and second dates.

First, lets start with Enneagram Type 1.

Type 1: The Perfectionist - Embracing Imperfection in Love

What You Want: The Ideal Partner in an Imperfect World

As a Type 1, you’re searching for someone who embodies your high standards and shares your commitment to personal growth. You value integrity, honesty, and a strong moral compass in your relationships. The perfect partner, in your eyes, is someone who strives for excellence but also understands the beauty of imperfection.

Mindset Shift: Finding Beauty in the Flaws

Perfection is an illusion, especially in relationships. Your growth lies in embracing the imperfections in yourself and others. Recognize that a great relationship isn’t about finding someone flawless, but about growing together through life’s messy, beautiful journey.

First Date Mindset: Relaxing into Reality

As you prepare for your first date, you’re likely feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. You may be tempted to plan every detail, envisioning the perfect evening. Remember, the goal isn’t perfection – it’s connection. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that genuine interactions often arise from unscripted moments.

First Date Strategy: Creating Space for Authentic Connection

  1. Choose a structured activity with room for spontaneity Why: This balances your need for order with the opportunity for natural interaction. A cooking class or wine tasting provides a framework while allowing for unexpected moments of connection.

  2. Dress neatly but resist the urge to obsess over every detail Why: This helps you feel confident without getting trapped in perfectionism. Remember, your date is interested in you, not just your appearance.

  3. Practice active listening without judging or critiquing Why: This allows you to truly understand your date rather than mentally correcting or improving them. It opens the door for deeper connection.

  4. Share your passions, but be open to differing viewpoints Why: This shows your depth while demonstrating that you value diversity of thought. It can lead to enriching discussions and mutual understanding.

Talking Points:

  • Ask about their values and what they’re passionate about improving in the world Why: This aligns with your interest in betterment and allows you to assess compatibility on a deeper level.

  • Discuss a book or article you’ve recently read that challenged your perspective Why: This shows your openness to growth and invites intellectual discourse, which you value.

Second Date Mindset: Deepening the Connection, Not Perfecting It

You’ve secured a second date – congratulations! You might be feeling a mix of excitement and pressure to make this date even better than the first. Remember, the goal isn’t to perfect the experience, but to deepen your connection. Focus on getting to know your date better rather than trying to impress them.

Second Date Strategy: Balancing Ideals with Authenticity

  1. Plan a volunteer activity or attend a local community event together Why: This aligns with your values of making a positive impact and allows you to see how your date interacts in a service-oriented environment.

  2. Focus on having fun rather than everything going perfectly Why: This helps you relax and shows your date your more carefree side, which can be very attractive.

  3. Share a minor flaw or mistake to show vulnerability Why: This demonstrates that you’re human and helps create a safe space for your date to be authentic too.

Talking Points:

  • Discuss how you’ve grown from past experiences or mistakes Why: This shows your commitment to self-improvement and your ability to learn from imperfection.

  • Ask about their dreams and how they balance ideals with reality Why: This gives you insight into their aspirations and how they navigate the imperfect world, which is crucial for a Type 1 to understand in a potential partner.

Remember, Type 1, the perfect date doesn’t exist, but beautiful, meaningful connections do. By embracing imperfection and focusing on genuine interaction, you open yourself up to the kind of relationship that can truly fulfill you – flaws and all.

Type 2: The Helper - Nurturing Self-Love Alongside Romance

What You Want: Reciprocal Care in a Sea of Giving

As a Type 2, you’re seeking a partner who not only appreciates your nurturing nature but reciprocates with equal care and affection. You desire a deep emotional connection where your efforts are recognized and your need to be needed is fulfilled. The ideal relationship, for you, is one of mutual support and emotional intimacy.

Mindset Shift: Valuing Yourself Beyond Your Helpfulness

Your worth isn’t determined by how much you give or how needed you are. The key to fulfilling relationships lies in cultivating self-love and setting healthy boundaries. Focus on mutual care and respect rather than trying to earn love through constant giving.

First Date Mindset: Balancing Giving and Receiving

As you approach your first date, you’re likely excited about the opportunity to connect and make your date feel special. You might be planning ways to cater to their needs and preferences. While your caring nature is beautiful, remember that dating is about mutual exchange. Allow yourself to receive attention and care as well.

First Date Strategy: Creating Space for Mutual Care

  1. Choose a casual, comfortable setting like a cozy cafĂ© or a walk in the park Why: This environment allows for natural conversation and reduces the pressure to “perform” or constantly cater to your date’s needs.

  2. Practice setting small boundaries Why: This helps you establish a pattern of healthy give-and-take from the start. If you don’t like something, say so politely. It shows self-respect and gives your date the opportunity to care for you too.

  3. Ask for your date’s input on decisions rather than always deferring Why: This creates balance in the interaction and shows that you value their opinions, not just their need for your care.

  4. Share your own needs and preferences alongside asking about theirs Why: This helps create a dynamic of mutual care and shows that you’re a whole person with your own desires, not just a caretaker.

Talking Points:

  • Ask about their support system and what friendship means to them Why: This gives you insight into how they value relationships and whether they have a healthy network of support beyond romantic partnerships.

  • Share a story about a time you helped someone and how it made you feel Why: This allows you to express your caring nature authentically while also opening up about your own emotions.

Second Date Mindset: Deepening Connection While Maintaining Balance

Congratulations on securing a second date! You’re likely feeling a warm glow of connection and maybe already thinking about ways to make your date feel special. While it’s wonderful to care, remember that the goal is to deepen your mutual understanding and connection, not to prove your worth through giving.

Second Date Strategy: Cultivating Reciprocal Care

  1. Plan an activity that allows for reciprocal care, like cooking a meal together Why: This creates opportunities for both giving and receiving help, fostering a balanced dynamic.

  2. Pay attention to your own feelings and needs throughout the date Why: This helps you stay grounded in your own experience rather than losing yourself in catering to your date.

  3. Practice receiving compliments or help without deflecting Why: This allows you to experience being cared for and shows your date that you value yourself.

Talking Points:

  • Discuss how you both handle stress and what kind of support you appreciate Why: This opens a conversation about mutual care and helps you understand how to support each other in a balanced way.

  • Ask about their love language and share yours Why: This creates awareness about how you each express and receive love, fostering better mutual understanding and care.

Remember, Type 2, the most beautiful relationships are built on mutual care and respect. By valuing yourself and allowing others to care for you too, you create space for a truly fulfilling partnership. Your worth is inherent, not earned through constant giving. Embrace your caring nature while nurturing your own heart – that’s the key to authentic connection.

Type 3: The Achiever - Connecting Beyond the Resume

What You Want: A Partner in Success and Life

As a Type 3, you’re attracted to success and seek a partner who matches your ambition and can keep pace with your dynamic lifestyle. You value recognition and want someone who appreciates your accomplishments while also challenging you to grow. The ideal relationship, in your eyes, is a power couple scenario where you both push each other to greater heights.

Mindset Shift: Embracing Authenticity Over Image

True connection goes beyond achievements and accolades. Your growth lies in learning to value yourself and others for who you are, not just what you do. Authenticity, vulnerability, and genuine emotional connection are the keys to fulfilling relationships, not just shared success.

First Date Mindset: Showcasing the Real You, Not Just Your Highlight Reel

As you prepare for your first date, you might feel the urge to impress and showcase your achievements. While it’s natural to want to put your best foot forward, remember that genuine connection comes from authentic sharing. Focus on revealing your true self, including your passions, dreams, and even insecurities, rather than just your accomplishments.

First Date Strategy: Balancing Impression and Connection

  1. Choose an activity that’s impressive but allows for genuine interaction Why: This satisfies your desire to impress while creating opportunities for real connection. A trendy new restaurant or a local art exhibit can provide talking points and a chance to share opinions.

  2. Share your accomplishments but also your genuine interests and passions Why: This gives a fuller picture of who you are beyond your resume. It allows your date to connect with you on a personal level, not just admire your success.

  3. Ask questions about your date’s personal life, not just their career Why: This shows that you value them as a whole person and are interested in more than just their external markers of success.

  4. Be present in the moment instead of thinking about the next goal Why: This allows for deeper connection and shows your date that you value the experience with them, not just what you can achieve.

Talking Points:

  • Ask about what they’re passionate about outside of work Why: This helps you understand what truly drives them beyond career success and can reveal shared interests or values.

  • Share a personal story that reveals something beyond your achievements Why: This vulnerability can create a deeper emotional connection and show that you’re more than your accomplishments.

Second Date Mindset: Deepening the Connection, Not Just Leveling Up

Securing a second date is an achievement, but remember, it’s not about “winning” at dating. You might feel pressure to make this date even more impressive than the first. Instead, focus on deepening your connection and showing more layers of your authentic self.

Second Date Strategy: Showcasing Depth and Vulnerability

  1. Plan something active but fun, like a dance class or rock climbing Why: This allows you to showcase your adaptability and willingness to try new things, while also creating a shared experience that goes beyond surface-level interaction.

  2. Focus on enjoying the experience rather than being the best at it Why: This shows that you can let go and have fun, and that you value experiences for themselves, not just for achievement.

  3. Share a vulnerability or a time you struggled with something Why: This deepens intimacy and shows that you trust your date with your authentic self, not just your polished image.

Talking Points:

  • Discuss what success means to each of you beyond career achievements Why: This can reveal your values and life philosophy, creating a deeper understanding between you and your date.

  • Ask about their dreams and what motivates them personally Why: This shows interest in their inner world and can help you understand what truly drives them, beyond external markers of success.

Remember, Type 3, true connection comes from authenticity, not just achievement. By showing your genuine self, including your vulnerabilities and passions beyond success, you open the door to a relationship that values you for who you are, not just what you’ve accomplished. Your worth is inherent, not tied to your achievements. Embrace your drive for success while also cultivating genuine connections – that’s the key to a truly fulfilling relationship.

Type 4: The Individualist - Finding Depth in the Everyday

What You Want: A Soulful Connection in a Mundane World

As a Type 4, you’re seeking a deep, soulful connection with someone who appreciates your uniqueness. You want a partner who can engage in emotional depth, share in the beauty and pain of life, and understand your need for authenticity and self-expression. The ideal relationship, for you, is one where you feel truly seen, understood, and cherished for your individuality.

Mindset Shift: Embracing the Ordinary Alongside the Extraordinary

While your intensity and depth are beautiful, remember that not every moment needs to be profound. Your growth lies in learning to appreciate the ordinary alongside the extraordinary, and recognizing that stability and simple joys can be as fulfilling as intense emotional experiences.

First Date Mindset: Balancing Uniqueness with Approachability

As you prepare for your first date, you might feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. You’re likely thinking about how to showcase your unique self and create a memorable experience. While it’s wonderful to express your individuality, remember that connection also comes from finding common ground. Focus on being authentically you while also being open and approachable.

First Date Strategy: Expressing Individuality While Fostering Connection

  1. Choose a unique, aesthetically pleasing venue Why: This allows you to create a memorable atmosphere that reflects your appreciation for beauty and uniqueness. An art gallery or a quaint bookstore café can provide a backdrop for meaningful conversation.

  2. Express your individuality through your outfit or choice of activity, but don’t try to be different just for the sake of it Why: This allows you to feel authentic while still being relatable. Your genuine uniqueness is attractive; forced quirkiness can be off-putting.

  3. Share your genuine feelings and perspectives, but also show interest in your date’s uniqueness Why: This creates a balance between self-expression and mutual understanding. It shows that you value both sharing your depth and appreciating others’.

  4. Practice finding beauty in the simple moments of the date Why: This helps you connect with your date in the present moment and shows that you can find depth and meaning in everyday experiences.

Talking Points:

  • Ask about a meaningful experience that shaped who they are Why: This invites your date to share something personal and potentially profound, allowing for the kind of deep conversation you value.

  • Share a piece of art or music that deeply moves you and why Why: This expresses your emotional depth and aesthetic sensibilities while offering your date insight into your inner world.

Second Date Mindset: Deepening the Connection Without Idealizing

Congratulations on securing a second date! You might be feeling a surge of emotion and perhaps starting to romanticize the connection. While it’s beautiful to feel deeply, remember to stay grounded in reality. Focus on getting to know your date as they truly are, not as an idealized image.

Second Date Strategy: Cultivating Depth While Appreciating Reality

  1. Plan something that allows for deep conversation in a comfortable setting Why: This creates space for the meaningful interaction you crave while ensuring you both feel at ease. A picnic in a scenic location or a cozy dinner at a quirky restaurant can set the stage for intimate dialogue.

  2. Be open about your feelings, but also practice active listening without comparing experiences Why: This allows for emotional honesty while showing that you value your date’s unique perspective. It helps prevent the tendency to dramatize or compete in emotional intensity.

  3. Look for ways to appreciate your date’s ordinary qualities alongside the unique ones Why: This helps you see and value your date as a whole person, not just for their most distinctive or dramatic qualities. It fosters a more balanced, sustainable connection.

Talking Points:

  • Discuss your dreams and what an ideal relationship looks like to each of you Why: This allows you to share your romantic vision while also understanding your date’s perspective. It can reveal compatibility and areas for growth.

  • Ask about a time they felt truly understood or accepted Why: This invites vulnerability and can create a deep sense of connection. It also gives you insight into what makes your date feel valued in relationships.

Remember, Type 4, your depth and uniqueness are gifts, but connection also flourishes in shared simple moments. By expressing your authentic self while also appreciating the ordinary aspects of life and relationships, you open yourself to a love that is both profound and sustainable. Your uniqueness is inherent; you don’t need to constantly prove it. Embrace your depth while also finding beauty in the everyday – that’s the key to a relationship that truly sees and values all of you.

Type 5: The Investigator - Bridging the Mind-Heart Gap

What You Want: Intellectual Stimulation with Emotional Space

As a Type 5, you’re looking for an intellectual equal who respects your need for space and independence. You value deep, stimulating conversations and a partner who has their own interests and knowledge to share. The ideal relationship, in your view, is one where you can explore ideas together while maintaining your individual autonomy.

Mindset Shift: Integrating Emotion with Intellect

While your mind is your strength, remember that emotional connection is equally important in relationships. Your growth lies in learning to open up and share not just your thoughts, but your feelings too. Recognize that vulnerability can deepen your connections without depleting your resources.

First Date Mindset: Balancing Curiosity with Connection

As you prepare for your first date, you’re likely focused on interesting topics you could discuss and questions you could ask. While intellectual exchange is important to you, remember that dating is also about emotional connection. Try to approach the date with openness to both mental and emotional experiences.

First Date Strategy: Engaging Both Mind and Heart

  1. Choose a location rich in intellectual stimulation Why: This provides a comfortable environment for you and ensures interesting talking points. A museum or a thought-provoking film screening can spark engaging discussions.

  2. Come prepared with interesting topics, but also be open to emotional exchanges Why: This allows you to showcase your knowledge while also practicing emotional engagement. It shows your date that you’re interested in connecting on multiple levels.

  3. Share your knowledge, but also express curiosity about your date’s experiences and feelings Why: This creates a balance between intellectual and emotional connection. It demonstrates that you value both their mind and their heart.

  4. Practice making eye contact and picking up on emotional cues Why: This helps you connect on a more personal level and shows your date that you’re present and engaged, not just in your head.

Talking Points:

  • Ask about a subject they’re passionate about and why it fascinates them Why: This allows for intellectual exchange while also touching on emotional aspects of why they care about the topic.

  • Share a recent discovery or idea that excited you, explaining both the concept and how it made you feel Why: This combines intellectual sharing with emotional expression, helping you practice connecting these aspects.

Second Date Mindset: Deepening Connection Without Overanalyzing

You’ve secured a second date, which is great! You might be tempted to analyze the first date in detail and plan extensively for this one. While some reflection is good, try not to overthink it. Focus on building upon the connection you’ve started, allowing for both intellectual and emotional growth.

Second Date Strategy: Expanding Comfort Zones

  1. Plan an activity that combines learning with interaction Why: This caters to your love of knowledge while encouraging more personal engagement. A science museum with hands-on exhibits or a historical walking tour can provide this balance.

  2. Challenge yourself to share a personal story or feeling, not just facts or ideas Why: This pushes you to open up emotionally, deepening the connection. It shows your date a more personal side of you.

  3. Pay attention to physical and emotional comfort, both yours and your date’s Why: This helps you stay grounded in the present experience rather than getting lost in thought. It also demonstrates empathy and awareness.

Talking Points:

  • Discuss how you each recharge and what personal space means in a relationship Why: This allows you to express your need for independence while understanding your date’s needs. It can reveal compatibility in handling space and togetherness.

  • Ask about a time they stepped out of their comfort zone and how it felt Why: This invites both a story and emotional sharing, helping you connect on multiple levels. It also gives insight into how they handle challenges.

Remember, Type 5, your intellectual depth is a gift, but emotional connection is what turns a meeting of minds into a meaningful relationship. By balancing your natural curiosity with emotional openness, you create space for a connection that engages both your mind and your heart. Your knowledge is valuable, but your feelings are equally important. Embrace the challenge of emotional vulnerability alongside intellectual exploration – that’s the key to a relationship that truly satisfies both your mind and your heart.

Type 6: The Loyalist - Building Trust in an Uncertain World

What You Want: Security and Reliability in Partnership

As a Type 6, you’re seeking a trustworthy, reliable partner who can provide a sense of security in an often unpredictable world. You value honesty, commitment, and mutual support in facing life’s challenges. The ideal relationship, for you, is one where you feel safe to be yourself and can count on your partner through thick and thin.

Mindset Shift: Finding Security Within

While caution has its place, your growth lies in learning to trust more and worry less. Recognize that taking calculated risks in relationships can lead to great rewards, and that true security often comes from within, not external factors. Embracing uncertainty can open doors to deeper connections.

First Date Mindset: Balancing Caution with Openness

As you approach your first date, you might be feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. You’re likely running through potential scenarios and maybe even looking for possible red flags. While it’s good to be prepared, try not to let your vigilance overshadow the opportunity for genuine connection. Focus on being present and giving your date a fair chance.

First Date Strategy: Creating a Safe Space for Authenticity

  1. Choose a safe, familiar environment for the first date Why: This helps you feel more at ease, allowing you to be more yourself. A well-known local café or restaurant can provide a comfortable backdrop for getting to know each other.

  2. Be honest about your feelings, including any nervousness Why: Authenticity builds trust. Sharing your genuine feelings can help create a more open, honest interaction from the start.

  3. Ask questions to get to know your date, but avoid interrogating or looking for hidden motives Why: This shows interest while maintaining a relaxed atmosphere. It allows you to gather information without seeming suspicious or overly anxious.

  4. Share your own thoughts and feelings openly to encourage reciprocal sharing Why: This creates a balanced exchange and shows that you’re willing to be vulnerable too. It can help establish a foundation of mutual trust.

Talking Points:

  • Ask about their close friendships and what loyalty means to them Why: This gives insight into how they value and maintain relationships, which is important to you. It can reveal their capacity for commitment and trustworthiness.

  • Share a story about a time you overcame a fear or doubt Why: This demonstrates your ability to face challenges, while also showing vulnerability. It can open up a discussion about resilience and support in relationships.

Second Date Mindset: Deepening Trust Without Jumping to Conclusions

Congratulations on making it to a second date! You might be feeling more comfortable, but perhaps also more invested and therefore more cautious. Remember, while it’s good to be aware, try not to let your protective instincts take over. Focus on building upon the foundation you’ve started, allowing trust to develop naturally.

Second Date Strategy: Expanding Comfort Zones Safely

  1. Plan something slightly out of your comfort zone, but still safe Why: This allows you to experience something new together while still feeling secure. Trying a new cuisine or a beginner’s class in something you’re both interested in can provide this balance.

  2. Practice staying present instead of worrying about what could go wrong Why: This helps you enjoy the moment and connect more deeply. It shows your date that you’re engaged and interested in the experience you’re sharing.

  3. Look for opportunities to show trust and see the best in your date Why: This helps counteract any tendency towards suspicion. It can create a positive cycle of trust and openness in your budding relationship.

Talking Points:

  • Discuss how you each handle uncertainty or make important decisions Why: This gives insight into each other’s coping mechanisms and decision-making processes. It can help you understand how you might navigate challenges together.

  • Ask about their support system and how they’ve grown through challenges Why: This reveals how they handle difficulties and who they rely on. It can show their resilience and capacity for personal growth, which are important factors in a stable relationship.

Remember, Type 6, your ability to be loyal and supportive is a tremendous strength in relationships. By balancing your natural caution with openness to new experiences and trust, you create the opportunity for a deeply committed and secure partnership. Your vigilance can be an asset when it’s balanced with faith in yourself and others. Embrace the journey of building trust – it’s the foundation of the stable, supportive relationship you seek.

Type 7: The Enthusiast - Finding Depth in the Adventure of Love

What You Want: A Partner in Excitement and Possibility

As a Type 7, you’re looking for a fun, adventurous partner who can keep up with your energy and zest for life. You value freedom, new experiences, and a positive outlook in relationships. The ideal partnership, in your eyes, is one filled with excitement, growth, and endless possibilities to explore together.

Mindset Shift: Embracing the Adventure of Commitment

While variety is the spice of life, depth and commitment can bring their own exciting adventures. Your growth lies in learning to find joy in the present moment and recognizing that facing challenges together can be as thrilling as chasing new experiences. Commitment doesn’t mean the end of fun – it can be the beginning of the greatest adventure.

First Date Mindset: Balancing Excitement with Presence

As you gear up for your first date, you’re likely brimming with ideas and enthusiasm. While your exuberance is infectious, remember that connection also requires presence and attention. Try to channel your excitement into genuine curiosity about your date, focusing on the here and now rather than racing ahead to future possibilities.

First Date Strategy: Creating Memorable Moments While Building Connection

  1. Choose an activity that’s exciting but allows for conversation Why: This satisfies your need for stimulation while creating opportunities for meaningful interaction. An escape room or a fun local event can provide both excitement and talking points.

  2. Share your enthusiasm, but also show genuine interest in getting to know your date Why: This allows you to be your energetic self while demonstrating that you value your date as an individual, not just as a companion for adventures.

  3. Practice active listening and staying focused on the present moment Why: This helps you connect more deeply with your date. It shows that you can be fully engaged in the now, not just excited about what’s next.

  4. Be open about your love for adventure, but also express appreciation for life’s simple pleasures Why: This gives a more rounded view of who you are. It shows that you can find joy in various aspects of life, which can be reassuring to potential partners.

Talking Points:

  • Ask about the most exciting adventure they’ve had and what made it memorable Why: This allows you to share in their enthusiasm while learning about what they value in experiences. It can reveal compatibility in your approaches to life.

  • Share a goal or dream you’re passionate about and why it excites you Why: This expresses your forward-thinking nature while giving insight into your values and aspirations. It invites your date to share in your excitement for the future.

Second Date Mindset: Deepening the Connection Without Losing the Spark

Excellent job landing a second date! You’re probably buzzing with ideas for making this date even more exciting than the first. While it’s great to keep things fun, remember that this is also an opportunity to deepen your connection. Focus on building upon what you’ve learned about each other, allowing for moments of depth alongside the excitement.

Second Date Strategy: Balancing Novel Experiences with Deeper Understanding

  1. Plan something that combines novelty with the opportunity for deeper connection Why: This caters to your need for new experiences while fostering more intimate interaction. Exploring a new part of town or trying a unique dining experience can provide this balance.

  2. Challenge yourself to have a more in-depth conversation about feelings and personal experiences Why: This pushes you to engage on a deeper emotional level, which is crucial for building lasting connections. It shows your date that you’re capable of depth as well as fun.

  3. Look for ways to appreciate the journey of getting to know someone, not just the excitement of something new Why: This helps you find joy and excitement in the process of building a relationship. It demonstrates that you can find fulfillment in deepening a connection, not just in novel experiences.

Talking Points:

  • Discuss what commitment means to each of you and how it relates to personal freedom Why: This allows you to explore your views on relationships and independence. It can help identify potential areas of alignment or necessary compromise.

  • Ask about a time they found joy in an unexpected or ordinary situation Why: This encourages reflection on finding happiness in the present moment. It can help you both appreciate the potential for joy in everyday life together.

Remember, Type 7, your enthusiasm and zest for life are incredible gifts in a relationship. By balancing your love for excitement with a willingness to embrace depth and presence, you open yourself to a love that is both thrilling and profound. Your ability to find joy and possibility everywhere is an asset – use it to discover the excitement within commitment and the adventure in getting to know one person deeply. Embrace the idea that the greatest adventure might be exploring the depths of a meaningful relationship.

Type 8: The Challenger - Strength in Vulnerability

What You Want: A Partner Who Can Match Your Intensity

As a Type 8, you’re attracted to strength and authenticity. You want a partner who can match your intensity, stand their ground, and engage in passionate exchanges. The ideal relationship, for you, is one where you both challenge each other to grow, where there’s mutual respect, and where you can let your guard down without fear of being taken advantage of.

Mindset Shift: Embracing the Power of Softness

True strength includes vulnerability. Your growth lies in recognizing that opening up and showing your softer side isn’t weakness – it’s a sign of deep confidence and security. Learn to value gentleness alongside intensity, understanding that vulnerability can be the ultimate display of courage.

First Date Mindset: Balancing Strength with Openness

As you prepare for your first date, you might be gearing up for a test of wills or a showcase of your strength. While your powerful presence is attractive, remember that connection also requires openness and receptivity. Approach the date with a willingness to not just challenge, but also to be moved by your date.

First Date Strategy: Demonstrating Strength Through Authenticity

  1. Choose an activity that allows for friendly competition or showcases confidence Why: This plays to your strengths and natural inclinations. Activities like bowling or a cooking class can provide a fun, competitive element while allowing for interaction.

  2. Be direct and honest, but also practice active listening and empathy Why: This allows you to be true to your straightforward nature while showing that you value your date’s perspective. It demonstrates that you’re strong enough to consider others’ views.

  3. Share your passions and convictions, but also be open to hearing differing viewpoints Why: This showcases your strength of character while demonstrating flexibility and respect for others’ opinions. It shows that you’re secure enough to engage with ideas different from your own.

  4. Look for opportunities to show protection and care in subtle ways Why: This allows you to express your nurturing side without overwhelming your date. It demonstrates that your strength can be used to support others, not just to assert yourself.

Talking Points:

  • Ask about a cause or belief they’re passionate about and why it matters to them Why: This invites them to share something meaningful, allowing you to see their convictions and values. It also gives you an opportunity to engage in substantive discussion.

  • Share a personal challenge you’ve overcome and how it shaped you Why: This allows you to demonstrate your strength through vulnerability. It shows that you’ve grown through adversity and are willing to open up.

Second Date Mindset: Deepening Connection Through Vulnerability

Great job securing a second date! You might be feeling more invested now, perhaps even protective of this budding connection. While it’s natural to want to maintain your strong image, remember that true intimacy requires letting someone see behind your armor. Focus on building trust and allowing yourself to be a little more vulnerable.

Second Date Strategy: Revealing Depth Beyond Strength

  1. Plan something that allows for both excitement and intimate conversation Why: This caters to your energetic nature while creating space for deeper connection. A hike with a picnic or an interactive art exhibit can provide this balance.

  2. Challenge yourself to share a vulnerability or admit to a fear Why: This demonstrates true courage and helps create a deeper bond. It shows your date that you trust them enough to let them see your whole self, not just your strong side.

  3. Practice accepting influence by asking for and considering your date’s preferences Why: This shows that you’re strong enough to be flexible and considerate. It demonstrates that you value your date’s input and can collaborate, not just lead.

Talking Points:

  • Discuss what strength means to each of you in a relationship context Why: This allows you to share your values while understanding your date’s perspective on strength and vulnerability in partnerships.

  • Ask about a time they felt truly supported or protected by someone Why: This invites your date to share a vulnerable experience, allowing you to understand what makes them feel safe and cared for. It can give you insights into how to use your strength to support them.

Remember, Type 8, your intensity and strength are powerful assets in a relationship when balanced with vulnerability and empathy. By showing your softer side alongside your powerful presence, you create the opportunity for a deeply authentic and passionate connection. Your courage in facing challenges can extend to the courage of opening your heart. Embrace the strength that comes from vulnerability – it’s the key to the deep, passionate, and honest relationship you seek.

Type 9: The Peacemaker - Asserting Yourself in Harmony

What You Want: A Peaceful Connection with Depth

As a Type 9, you’re seeking harmony and a deep, peaceful connection. You value a partner who appreciates your calming presence and can help you engage more fully with life. The ideal relationship, in your view, is one where you feel at peace being yourself, where conflicts are resolved gently, and where you’re encouraged to grow without feeling pushed.

Mindset Shift: Finding Your Voice in Relationships

While harmony is beautiful, remember that growth often comes from facing conflicts and asserting yourself. Your journey involves learning to value your own desires and opinions as much as others’, and recognizing that expressing disagreement can lead to deeper understanding and connection.

First Date Mindset: Balancing Agreeability with Authenticity

As you prepare for your first date, you might be tempted to go with the flow and agree with everything your date suggests. While your easy-going nature is appealing, remember that your date wants to get to know the real you. Approach the date with a commitment to expressing your true self, preferences and all.

First Date Strategy: Creating Harmony While Showing Your True Colors

  1. Choose a calm, pleasant environment that you genuinely enjoy Why: This helps you feel comfortable and sets the stage for authentic interaction. A botanical garden or a quiet café can provide a peaceful backdrop that aligns with your preferences.

  2. Practice expressing your preferences instead of always deferring to your date Why: This allows your date to get to know the real you. It shows that you have your own thoughts and desires, which can be very attractive.

  3. Share your thoughts and feelings openly, even if they might create slight discomfort Why: This helps establish a pattern of honest communication from the start. It demonstrates that you’re capable of asserting yourself in a gentle way.

  4. Show interest in your date’s life by asking specific questions, not just agreeing with everything they say Why: This creates a more balanced and engaging conversation. It shows that you’re actively participating in getting to know them, not just passively agreeing.

Talking Points:

  • Ask about what brings them peace and how they handle conflict Why: This gives insight into their approach to harmony and disagreement, which is important to you. It can reveal compatibility in how you both navigate relationships.

  • Share a goal or aspiration you have, even if it’s still forming Why: This expresses your inner desires and shows that you have your own direction in life. It invites your date to see a more dynamic side of you.

Second Date Mindset: Deepening Connection While Maintaining Independence

Wonderful job on getting a second date! You might be feeling more comfortable now, perhaps even merging a bit with your date’s energy. While it’s great to feel in sync, remember to maintain your own identity and opinions. Focus on deepening the connection while also asserting your individuality.

Second Date Strategy: Nurturing Connection Through Self-Expression

  1. Plan an activity that you genuinely want to do, not just what you think your date might like Why: This shows initiative and gives your date a chance to experience something you truly enjoy. It demonstrates that you have your own interests and aren’t afraid to share them.

  2. Challenge yourself to initiate more of the conversation and decision-making Why: This helps you take a more active role in the date. It shows your date that you can take the lead and have your own thoughts and ideas.

  3. If you disagree with something, express it gently but clearly Why: This establishes that you have your own viewpoint and are willing to express it. It shows that you can maintain your individuality within a harmonious interaction.

Talking Points:

  • Discuss how you each envision an ideal day or weekend together Why: This allows you to express your preferences and desires for shared time. It can reveal areas of alignment and potential compromises in how you both like to spend time.

  • Ask about a time they had to stand up for something they believed in Why: This invites a story about assertiveness, which can be inspiring for you. It also gives insight into their values and how they handle standing their ground.

Remember, Type 9, your ability to create harmony and see multiple perspectives is a beautiful gift in relationships. By balancing your peaceful nature with self-assertion and expressing your own needs and desires, you open yourself to a love that is both harmonious and deeply fulfilling. Your capacity for creating peace is most powerful when it includes peace with your own wants and needs. Embrace the idea that asserting yourself can lead to even deeper harmony – it’s the key to a relationship where you feel truly seen, valued, and at peace being fully yourself.

Conclusion: Embracing Your Type in the Journey of Love

Gentlemen, as we wrap up this guide, remember that your Enneagram type is not a box to confine you, but a launching pad for growth and self-awareness in your dating journey. Each type brings unique strengths and challenges to relationships, and understanding these can be a powerful tool in creating authentic connections.

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern dating, from navigating “situationships” to avoiding “breadcrumbing,” from embodying the loyal and affectionate “golden retriever boyfriend” to steering clear of “love bombing,” remember that the most attractive quality is authenticity. The “golden retriever boyfriend” trend highlights the appeal of genuine affection, loyalty, and enthusiasm in relationships – qualities that can be expressed authentically by any Enneagram type. Your Enneagram insights are tools to help you show up as your true self, not masks to hide behind.

Go here to learn what each type is like on a first date.

Remember, the goal of dating isn’t to find someone who completes you, but to find someone who inspires you to become the best version of yourself. Your Enneagram type is a part of your unique story – share it, embrace it, and let it guide you to deeper, more meaningful connections.

Now go forth, be yourself, and may your dating journey be filled with growth, laughter, and authentic connections. You’ve got this!

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