Enneagram Type 2: The Helper

Sat Feb 18 2023

We all want to be loved and appreciated; however, for Enneagram Type 2 individuals, this desire has been taken to another level.

Known as “The Helper,” Type 2s crave affection and are the most caring type in the Enneagram. They have high emotional intelligence which enables them to sense what other people are feeling and and wanting. Because of this Type 2s often take the initiative to help people and though they gain admiration they also can build up resentment if they have put their needs last for too long.

In this article, we will dive into the characteristics, motivations, and behaviors of Enneagram Type 2 individuals.

Table of Contents

Enneagram 2 Description

Type 2s are recognized for their caring, empathetic nature and a strong desire to serve others.

This deep-rooted desire to help and be needed manifests in various ways. They are generous, emotionally intuitive, and often prioritize the needs and well-being of those around them, sometimes even at the expense of their own needs.

Key traits of the Enneagram Type 2 personality include:

  • Generosity: Type 2s are exceptionally generous with their time and energy, often going out of their way to assist others. Their selflessness is a hallmark of their personality.
  • Emotional Intelligence: They have a remarkable ability to understand and empathize with others' emotions, making them excellent at providing emotional support and comfort.
  • Sensitivity to Criticism: Type 2s can be quite sensitive to criticism, especially when they feel their efforts are not recognized or appreciated. This sensitivity stems from their deep desire to be valued and loved.
  • Struggle with Boundaries: Often, Type 2s find it challenging to set healthy boundaries and may have difficulty saying "no." This can lead to feeling overwhelmed or burnt out as they overextend themselves for others.
  • Desire for Appreciation: They have a strong need to feel appreciated and valued for their efforts. This need can sometimes drive their actions and choices as they seek validation and acknowledgment from others.
  • Difficulty Prioritizing Self-Care: In their focus on caring for others, Type 2s may neglect their own needs, struggling to prioritize self-care and personal well-being.

Type 2s are warm, caring, and nurturing, often supporting their communities and relationships. While their empathy and generosity are strengths, learning to set boundaries and prioritize their own needs is essential for their emotional health and personal growth. While challenging, this journey towards self-care and boundary setting is crucial for Type 2s to maintain their own well-being while they continue to care for others.

💪 Strengths of an Enneagram 2

Type 2 individuals possess several strengths that make them valuable team or community members.

These include:

  • Empathy: Type 2 individuals are highly attuned to the emotions and needs of others, and they use this understanding to help others in a caring and compassionate way.
  • Service: Type 2 individuals have a strong desire to be of service to others and to make a positive impact in the world. They are often willing to put the needs of others before their own, and they are highly dedicated to their work and causes.
  • Emotional intelligence: Type 2 individuals possess a high level of emotional intelligence, which allows them to connect with others on a deep level and to understand their emotions and needs.
  • Leadership: Type 2 individuals are often natural leaders who can inspire and guide others with their caring and compassionate nature.

Situations where 2s thrive

  • Hosting Social Gatherings: Their warmth and caring nature make everyone feel welcome and cared for.
  • In a Support Role in Crisis Situations: Their empathy and selflessness shine in helping those in need.
  • Fundraising for Charities: Their genuine concern for others motivates them to go the extra mile.
  • In Healthcare or Counseling: Their nurturing nature helps them effectively connect and care for others.

🤔 Weaknesses/ Challenges of an Enneagram 2

While Type 2 individuals possess many strengths, they also face several challenges.

These include:

  • Codependency: Type 2 individuals often put the needs of others before their own, which can lead to codependency and neglect of their own needs.
  • People-pleasing: Type 2 individuals have a strong desire to be appreciated and loved by others, which can lead to a tendency to put the needs of others before their own and to sacrifice their own needs to please others.
  • Burnout: Type 2 individuals are often highly dedicated to their work and causes, and they may be prone to burnout due to their strong sense of responsibility and the weight of their work.

🧭 Motivations of an Enneagram 2

The Helper is motivated by a deep desire to be loved and appreciated by those around them.

They seek to find their self-worth through the validation of others. The Helper often looks for ways to be of service to others, and they feel most fulfilled when they are helping others. However, their desire to help others can also come at a cost. Type 2 personalities may neglect their needs and emotions, leading to burnout and resentment. They may also struggle with boundaries, taking on too much responsibility and becoming overwhelmed.

😨 Fears of an Enneagram 2

  • Rejection: Type 2s are very sensitive to being rejected by others. They may fear that they will be pushed away or left alone if they don’t offer enough help or support.
  • Inadequacy: Type 2s often tie their self-worth to how much they can help others. They may fear that if they cannot provide enough support or meet the needs of others, they will be seen as inadequate.
  • Being unappreciated: Type 2s thrive on being needed and valued by others. They may fear that they will be left alone or rejected if they are not seen as valuable or appreciated.
  • Being a burden: Type 2s want to be helpful to others, but they also fear that they may be too demanding or burdensome. They may worry they are taking too much from others and not giving enough in return.
  • Abandonment: Type 2s may fear that those people will abandon them if they don’t offer enough help or support to others. They may feel they need to give to keep their relationships intact constantly.

🤯 Enneagram 2s Under Stress

The usually caring and accommodating Type 2 under stress may become uncharacteristically aggressive, domineering, and confrontational.

Their stress number is Type 8. Type 8s are normally powerful, assertive, and confrontational. When they’re under stress, they become more aggressive and controlling, as well as overprotective and demanding of others.

Type 2s may feel a need to take control of situations and people, driven by a fear of being vulnerable or taken advantage of. The stressed Type 2 might become excessively blunt and direct in their communication, disregarding others’ feelings and coming across as insensitive or even ruthless. They may also have a short temper and become easily irritated, lashing out at others when they feel threatened or unsupported.

Read more about other types under stress

Type Characteristic role Ego fixation Holy idea Trap Basic fear Basic desire Temptation Vice/Passion Virtue Stress/ Disintegration Security/ Integration
2 Helper, Giver Flattery Freedom, Will Freedom Being unlovable To feel worthy of love Deny own needs, manipulation Pride Humility 8 4

🧸 An Enneagram 2's Childhood

  • Childhood Stereotype: Commonly nurtured in caring environments but felt that love was conditional on their helpfulness. They might have had a family member who needed extra care, placing the child in a caregiver role early on.
  • Childhood Wound: Developed a belief that their worth was tied to their ability to care for others, often neglecting their own needs and desires.
  • Developmental Aspects:
    • Encouraged to be attuned to others’ needs, sometimes at the expense of their own.
    • May have received praise and acknowledgment primarily when supporting or nurturing others.
  • Typical Behaviors: Always ready to help, often putting others’ needs before their own. May have taken on roles like mediator or caretaker within the family.
  • Thoughts and Feelings: Felt a sense of belonging and value when helping others but simultaneously a deep longing for unconditional love and acceptance for themselves.
  • View on Childhood: Often fondly remember moments of connection and care but may also feel a sense of loss for not being seen or valued for their individuality. They might wish they had been encouraged to prioritize their own needs and desires.

👫 An Enneagram 2 in relationships

Type 2 personalities are highly social and enjoy connecting with others.

They are warm and friendly, with a natural charisma that draws people to them. They have a gift for creating deep and meaningful connections and thrive in social settings.

However, their desire to be needed can also lead to unhealthy relationship dynamics. Type 2 personalities may struggle to express their needs and emotions, leading to resentment and unmet needs. They may also become overly dependent on their relationships, leading to codependency and an inability to function independently.

Learn more about other types in relationships

💼 An Enneagram 2 in the Workplace

Type 2 personalities are highly attuned to the emotions and needs of their colleagues and may go out of their way to help others. They are empathetic, nurturing, and have a natural gift for emotional support and practical assistance. However, their desire to be needed can also lead to a tendency to neglect their own needs, leading to burnout and resentment. Type 2 personalities can benefit from focusing on self-care and setting healthy boundaries to avoid becoming overwhelmed and ensure their own needs are met.

Learn more about other types in the workplace

Potential Pitfalls

If Type 2s do not address their tendency to prioritize others’ needs over their own, they may experience burnout or resent those they are trying to help. They may also struggle with relationships, as their fear of rejection may cause them to cling to others or be overly dependent.

🌱 Growth and Development for Type 2 Personalities

Type 2 personalities can significantly benefit from focusing on self-care and setting healthy boundaries.

They must learn to prioritize their needs and emotions rather than consistently placing others’ needs above their own. Effectively communicating their needs and desires is also crucial, as they rely on others to intuitively understand their emotions.

Critical strategies for personal growth for Type 2s include:

  • Setting Healthy Boundaries: Learning to say “no” and prioritizing their needs is vital to prevent burnout and feeling overwhelmed.
  • Practicing Self-Care: Engaging in activities that nurture their well-being helps avoid resentment and maintain healthier relationships.
  • Developing a Strong Sense of Self: Cultivating an identity that isn’t solely based on the approval and validation of others can enhance their confidence and sense of security.
  • Seeking Therapy or Counseling: Professional guidance can be beneficial in processing emotions and developing healthier coping mechanisms.

By embracing these strategies, Type 2 personalities can achieve a more balanced life, ensuring they care for themselves as well as they do for others, leading to more fulfilling and sustainable relationships.

🤝 Enneagram Two's sharing their experience

In this video, Beatrice Chestnut hosts a panel discussion with several individuals who identify as Enneagram type 2. The panelists provide unique insights into the experiences and inner world of Enneagram 2s:

  • Type 2s can struggle with unconscious pride and a desire to see themselves as indispensable to others, often manifesting in manipulative or controlling behavior.
  • Grief, a sense of not being truly loved, and a lack of clear self-identity are core issues for many type 2s.
  • The path of growth for type 2s involves learning to love and accept themselves, set boundaries, and express their authentic feelings.

🌟 Famous Enneagram 2s

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