Enneagram Party Planner: Customize Your Invites in 9 Ways

Sat Dec 09 2023

Greek statues partying πŸŽ‰

Trying to plan a great event? Have you considered the personality types that you might be attending?

Are the people in the group your close friends who love and support you? Or is the group a bunch of intellectual types who are going to need some social lubrication? Who might cause problems, and who wants to help? Who will be silently judging you, and who will be hitting on everyone?

Here, we will explore the personality types that might attend your event and try to help you throw a great party.

One Approach to Party Planning

Imagine Alex, an Enneagram 3, β€œthe achiever,” who is busy meticulously planning a party. For Alex, this isn’t just about hosting a fun gathering; it’s an opportunity to show off. The party must be a resounding success in every aspect and, ideally, should be the talk of the town for weeks to come. Needless to say, a sparsely attended event would be a disappointment and a big blow to Alex’s self-image.

Alex takes immense pride in his connections and abilities. He aims to leave guests in awe and is likely throwing this party as a means to an end. Every detail, from the choice of venue, menu, and music to the overall ambiance, is carefully curated to align with Alex’s vision and create the outcome he desires.

Alex is thinking about who to invite. Who will increase his clout? He is very aware of the impressive individuals he has access to or wants to get access to. And a party is a perfect excuse to get access to the people he is after.

Do you know someone like Alex who might approach planning a party this way? Is Alex similar to or different from you?

Be sure to consider your motivations for throwing a party and then think about what your guests want out of this party.

The Invite Strategy

Assuming you have considered your own motivations lets think about the reasons why different personalities go to a party.

Each Enneagram type approaches a party differently and has unique motivations and desires. For instance, if a Type 1, β€œThe Reformer/ The Perfectionist,” is invited to a party, to them, the party is likely serving some utility. The party likely has a clear purpose, and they already have expectations for how the party should go. Meanwhile, a Type 7- β€œEnthusiast”, will likely show up for any party as long as there is the possibility of fun.

Lets dive into how you would entice each Enneagram type to attend your party.

Invite for Enneagram 1- The Reformer/ Perfectionist


  • Desire for improvement and order.
  • Opportunities to engage in meaningful, purpose-driven activities.
  • Environments where they can share or promote their ideals.

Inviting Strategies

  • Invite them to a party focused on a cause or community improvement, where they can contribute meaningfully.
  • Suggest a gathering where they can lead a discussion or workshop on a topic they’re passionate about.
  • Offer a role in ensuring the party is eco-friendly or aligns with high ethical standards.
Invite for Enneagram 2- The Helper


  • Opportunities to nurture and support others.
  • Enjoyment in building and maintaining relationships.
  • A desire to feel appreciated and needed.

Inviting Strategies

  • Invite them to a gathering where their help is essential, like organizing a community meal.
  • Suggest a party where they can play a crucial role in guest comfort and care.
  • Offer them a chance to co-host, emphasizing how their presence would enhance the event.
Invite for Enneagram 3- The Achiever


  • A chance to shine and be recognized.
  • Networking opportunities with successful individuals.
  • Events that align with their image and goals.

Inviting Strategies

  • Invite them to an exclusive or high-profile event where they can network and be seen.
  • Suggest a party where their achievements can be celebrated or highlighted.
  • Offer a role where they can showcase their skills or talents, like emceeing or organizing a vital aspect of the event.
Invite for Enneagram 4- The Individualist


  • Opportunities for self-expression and uniqueness.
  • Deep, meaningful interactions.
  • Aesthetic and creative environments.

Inviting Strategies

  • Invite them to an artistically themed party where they can express their creativity.
  • Suggest a gathering that promises authentic, meaningful conversations.
  • Offer them a role in planning the event’s aesthetic or creative elements.
Invite for Enneagram 5- The Investigator


  • Intellectual stimulation and learning opportunities.
  • Networking with like-minded individuals.
  • Unique or unusual environments.

Inviting Strategies

  • Invite them to a party focusing on intellectual discussions or presentations.
  • Suggest a gathering of enthusiasts in a specific field of interest.
  • Offer an event in an unconventional setting or with an unusual theme.
Invite for Enneagram 6- The Loyalist


  • A sense of safety and trust.
  • Familiarity and community.
  • Opportunities to contribute to group stability and support.

Inviting Strategies

  • Invite them to a small, intimate gathering with close friends.
  • Suggest a community-focused event where their input on safety and organization is valued.
  • Offer a family-friendly event where they can feel secure and connected.
Invite for Enneagram 7- The Enthusiast


  • Fun and adventurous experiences.
  • Variety and spontaneity.
  • Opportunities to meet new people and try new things.

Inviting Strategies

  • Invite them to a party with a fun, unpredictable twist, like a mystery game or a surprise location.
  • Suggest an event with a range of activities and experiences.
  • Offer an outdoor adventure or themed party that promises excitement and novelty.
Invite for Enneagram 8- The Challenger


  • A dynamic and intense environment.
  • Opportunities for debate and leadership.
  • Situations where they can exert influence or protect others.

Inviting Strategies

  • Invite them to a debate night or a party with competitive games.
  • Suggest a gathering where they can take on a leadership role or organize an essential aspect.
  • Offer an event where their strength and assertiveness can be used, like a fundraiser or a community project.
Invite for Enneagram 9- The Peacemaker


  • A calm and harmonious atmosphere.
  • Inclusivity and community.
  • Opportunities to mediate and bring people together.

Inviting Strategies

  • Invite them to a relaxed, low-key gathering, like a picnic or a casual get-together.
  • Suggest a party where they help mediate conversations and foster a welcoming environment.
  • Offer an event that emphasizes inclusively and harmonizes diverse groups.

The Idea Environment

Now that we have the invites down, lets look what the ideal party looks like for each Enneagram type.

The Party Setup for a Each Enneagram Type

The Type 1- The Reformer Party Vibe
  • Environment: Keep the setting organized and structured. Have clear guidelines for the event to maintain order.
  • Activities: Include activities with a purpose or benefit, like a charity auction or a group discussion on a relevant topic, to engage their sense of right and wrong.
The Type 2- The Helper Party Vibe
  • Environment: Create a warm, welcoming atmosphere where they can nurture and be nurtured.
  • Activities: Provide opportunities for them to help out, like assisting in the kitchen or greeting guests, making them feel valued and needed.
The Type 3- The Achiever Party Vibe
  • Environment: Ensure the setting is somewhat upscale or impressive. Recognition and status should be subtly evident.
  • Activities: Include elements where they can showcase their talents or achievements, like a brief awards ceremony or a talent show.
The Type 4- The Individualist Party Vibe
  • Environment: Create a unique, aesthetically pleasing setting with opportunities for self-expression.
  • Activities: Incorporate creative elements like an art corner, poetry readings, or a space for musical performances.
The Type 5- The Investigator Party Vibe
  • Environment: Offer a space where they can retreat for quiet contemplation. A corner with books or interesting articles can be a good addition.
  • Activities: Include intellectually stimulating activities, like a trivia game or a discussion circle on intriguing topics.
The Type 6- The Loyalist Party Vibe
  • Environment: Focus on creating a secure, stable atmosphere. Make sure safety measures are visible.
  • Activities: Plan group activities that build trust and camaraderie, like team-building exercises or group games.
The Type 7- The Enthusiast Party Vibe
  • Environment: Ensure the setting is lively and flexible, with room for spontaneity.
  • Activities: Incorporate a variety of fun, high-energy activities like a dance-off, a scavenger hunt, or an impromptu karaoke session.
The Type 8- The Challenger Party Vibe
  • Environment: Create an open space for assertiveness and intensity.
  • Activities: Set up debates, competitive games, or activities that allow them to demonstrate strength and leadership.
The Type 9- The Peacemaker Party Vibe
  • Environment: Aim for a relaxed, comfortable setting where everyone feels included.
  • Activities: Facilitate group activities that are non-competitive and inclusive, like group storytelling or a collaborative art project.

Wrap up πŸŽ‰

Hopefully this helps you throw a great party!

Go here to dive deeper and see how each Enneagram type behaves at a party.

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