Enneagram Type 3: The Achiever

Type 3 individuals are ambitious, driven, and highly focused on success. They adapt easily to different roles and situations, using their charisma and competence to excel in their chosen fields.

  • Stereotypes: Status-seeking, overly competitive, image-conscious workaholics
  • Archetypes: The Performer, The Entrepreneur, The politician, The Role Model
  • Struggles: Difficulty being authentic, tying self-worth to achievements, fear of failure and rejection
  • Gifts: Goal-oriented mindset, ability to inspire and motivate others, adaptable to changing circumstances
  • Recognized by: Polished appearance, confident demeanor, driven to succeed in their endeavors

The Achiever's Worldview

Type 3 individuals view the world through a lens of accomplishment and recognition. They often see:

  • Life as a series of challenges to be conquered
  • Success and achievement as the primary measures of personal worth
  • Opportunities for advancement and recognition in various situations
  • The importance of image and reputation in achieving goals
  • Competition as a natural and necessary part of life

This perspective drives their relentless pursuit of success and their ability to adapt to different environments to achieve their goals.

Famous Enneagram Type 3s

Type 3 in Comfort and Stress

The Achiever in Flow

When Type 3s feel secure and balanced, they embody their best qualities:

  • Authentic self-expression without fear of judgment
  • Ability to celebrate others' successes without feeling threatened
  • Using their talents to genuinely help and inspire others
  • Balancing work and personal life effectively
  • Finding intrinsic motivation beyond external validation

The Achiever Under Stress

During times of stress, Type 3s may "disintegrate" to Type 9, exhibiting:

  • Withdrawal from challenges and responsibilities
  • Procrastination and avoidance of tasks
  • Numbing out through excessive sleep or mindless activities
  • Difficulty making decisions or taking action
  • Loss of their characteristic drive and ambition

Imagine a typically dynamic and goal-oriented Type 3 executive suddenly becoming indecisive, avoiding important meetings, and spending hours scrolling through social media instead of tackling their usually jam-packed schedule.

Growth Path for Type 3

In personal growth, Type 3s move towards Type 6, incorporating:

  • Increased loyalty and commitment in relationships
  • Greater awareness of potential risks and challenges
  • Ability to work collaboratively without needing to be the star
  • Development of a strong inner guidance system
  • Valuing security and stability alongside achievement

Picture a Type 3 salesperson who, after years of chasing individual commissions, begins to prioritize building a reliable team and fostering long-term client relationships, finding deeper satisfaction in collective success.

The Influence of Wings

Type 3w2: The Charmer

The Type 3 wing 2 combines the Achiever's drive for success with the Helper's desire to be liked:

  • More people-oriented in their pursuit of success
  • Highly skilled at networking and building relationships
  • May use charm and charisma to achieve their goals
  • Often excels in roles that require both performance and interpersonal skills
  • Can struggle with balancing personal ambition and the need to be appreciated by others

Type 3w4: The Professional

The Type 3 wing 4 blends the Achiever's ambition with the Individualist's desire for authenticity:

  • More introspective and focused on personal meaning in their achievements
  • May strive to be the "best" in more unconventional or creative fields
  • Often experiences internal conflict between the desire for success and the need for authenticity
  • Can be more emotionally sensitive than the typical Type 3
  • Excels in roles that allow for both achievement and self-expression

By understanding these nuances, we gain a more comprehensive view of the complex and driven nature of Enneagram Type 3 individuals.

🚧 More information coming soon about Enneagram Type 3!