Dave Portnoy's Personality: Enneagram Type 8

Mon Aug 21 2023

Dave Portnoy

Dave Portnoy

Disclaimer This analysis of Dave Portnoy’s Enneagram type is speculative, based on publicly available information, and may not reflect Dave Portnoy’s actual personality type.

You've seen him on social media, heard about his controversies, and probably even watched him eat pizza.

But have you ever wondered what makes Dave Portnoy tick? What’s the driving force behind the man who sold Barstool Sports only to buy it back for $1? Today, we’re diving deep into Dave’s psyche, speculating on his Enneagram personality type: Type 8, also known as the Challenger.

TL;DR: Why Dave Portnoy is an Enneagram type 8
  • The Maverick Entrepreneur: When you think of Dave Portnoy, his audacious business moves come to mind, like selling Barstool Sports and then buying it back. This decisive and strategic behavior is a hallmark of an Enneagram Type 8, who values control and fears being controlled by others.
  • The Inner World: Beneath the public persona, Portnoy is an individual who marches to the beat of his drum. Whether hosting the BFFs podcast or being a fan of Taylor Swift, he does what he finds genuinely interesting. This reflects the Type 8's desire for autonomy and control over their lives.
  • Navigating Controversies: Portnoy has faced several controversies, but his approach to handling them is unique. He stands his ground and does what he believes is fair, which could symbolize Type 8's core fear of being manipulated or harmed. This invites empathy, as it's a window into the wounds that often shape Type 8 individuals.
  • Core Motivation: At the heart of all his actions is Portnoy's core motivation to be in control of his destiny. Everything can be traced back to this Type 8 drive for autonomy and control, whether it's his entrepreneurial ventures or relationships.

What is Dave Portnoy’s Personality Type?

The Enneagram Type 8 is often described as self-confident, decisive, and willful. They are natural leaders who are not afraid to stand alone and often fear being controlled by others. Does that sound like someone we know? Yes, it’s Dave Portnoy.

Why Dave Portnoy Could Be a Type 8

Portnoy’s Business Acumen

Dave Portnoy is in a league of his own regarding business IQ.

His pride and joy, Barstool Sports, serves as a case study. Founded in 2003 as a print publication, Barstool transitioned from being an irreverent frat boy sports site into an irreverent cultural phenomenon. Portnoy pivoted multiple times to keep Barstool relevant while remaining true to its fans.

Along with his adaptability Dave has a quiet and steady hustle that which explains why Barstool has lasted.

And Dave is having fun with it. He wheels and deals like an old-school mobster boss one minute and the the next hops on a pod with his BFFs to talk tea.

What truly sets Portnoy apart is what happened in 2020. He sold a majority stake in Barstool Sports to Penn National Gaming in January 2020 for a reported $450 million. Barstool was the same with Portnoy at the helm, and in 2023, Portnoy bought it back- for $1. This was a power move that again showed Portnoy’s savvy.

Marching to His Own Beat: The BFFs Podcast and Celebrity Connections

Dave Portnoy’s BFFs podcast with Josh Richards and Bri Chickenfry isn’t just another podcast; it vividly illustrates his non-conformist approach to life.

Whether it’s his choice of co-hosts or his friendships with well-known figures like Logan Paul and Jake Paul, Portnoy defies societal norms and popular opinions at every turn.

He’s friends with the Gen Z TikTokers, and he’s also unapologetically a stan of both Taylor Swiftand Dixie D’Amelio. Public figures often stick to their lanes, but Portnoy makes and sets his lanes. He does what he finds interesting and will be friends with whomever he chooses, regardless of what others might think.

This disregard for societal expectations and his willingness to forge his path symbolizes a Type 8 personality—someone who values control over their own life and is unafraid to stand alone.

Growth and Stress: Portnoy’s Journey to Type 2 and Type 5

Moving to Growth: The Generous Side of El Presidente

When Type 8s like Dave Portnoy move towards their growth point (Type 2), they become more caring and supportive. We’ve seen glimpses of this side of Portnoy, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. The Barstool Fund: In December 2020, Portnoy launched the Barstool Fund to help small businesses struggling due to COVID-19 lockdowns. He kicked it off with $500,000 of his own money and rallied his followers to contribute. The fund raised over $41 million and helped over 400 small businesses.

    “These people aren’t going out of business because they’re not successful or not making money, it’s because they have no other choice,” Portnoy said in an emotional video. “They’ve been dealt a hand that nobody could play.”

  2. Personal Touch: Portnoy personally called many business owners to tell them they’d receive help from the Barstool Fund. Videos of these calls show a softer side of Portnoy, genuinely moved by the struggles and gratitude of these business owners.

    In one call to the owner of Borelli’s restaurant, Portnoy’s voice cracked as he said, “We’re going to help you guys out… We’re going to make sure you stay in business until this thing’s over.”

These actions showcase Portnoy tapping into the caring, supportive traits of Type 2, using his influence and resources to help others in need.

Under Stress: The Withdrawn Pizza Reviewer

When Type 8s move to their stress point (Type 5), they can become more withdrawn, cerebral, and focused on gathering information. We can see this in Portnoy’s behavior during times of controversy:

  1. The Stock Trading Controversy: In February 2021, Portnoy faced backlash for promoting a “pump and dump” scheme with a penny stock. Instead of his usual bombastic response, Portnoy retreated. He spent time researching and gathering information, later emerging with a detailed video explanation of his actions.

    “I’m not a financial advisor. I’m a fucking idiot,” Portnoy said in the video, displaying a more thoughtful, self-reflective side. “As I do with stocks, I got in and out of it.”

  2. The Penn Gaming Dip: When Penn Gaming (which owned a stake in Barstool) saw its stock price plummet in November 2021 following sexual misconduct allegations against Portnoy, he again retreated from the public eye. He reemerged days later with a 12-minute video meticulously breaking down the allegations point by point.

    “I’ve never done anything weird with a girl, ever. Never anything remotely nonconsensual,” Portnoy said in the video, which was noticeably more subdued and detail-oriented than his usual content.

In these instances, we see Portnoy moving away from his typical confrontational style, instead becoming more withdrawn and analytical - hallmarks of Type 5 behavior.

These examples show how Portnoy, while predominantly exhibiting Type 8 traits, can access the characteristics of both Type 2 and Type 5 in different circumstances. This flexibility in behavior, depending on whether he’s in a growth or stress state, adds depth to our understanding of Portnoy’s complex personality.

Portnoy and relationships: Tough Exterior, Soft Heart

Dave Portnoy, the face of Barstool Sports, embodies the classic Enneagram Type 8 paradox: a tough, confrontational exterior protecting a vulnerable, caring heart. This dynamic plays out in both his professional and personal relationships, shaping his interactions and leaving a lasting impact on those around him.

Professional Relationships: The Barstool Brotherhood

At Barstool Sports, Portnoy’s leadership style is quintessentially Type 8: direct, confrontational, and unapologetic. He’s known for his blunt critiques and high expectations, which can be intimidating to newcomers. However, beneath this tough exterior lies a fierce loyalty and protectiveness towards his employees.

Loyalty to the OGs

Portnoy’s relationships with long-time employees like Big Cat and KFC demonstrate his capacity for deep, lasting bonds. Despite public disagreements, Portnoy has consistently stood by these “original Stoolies,” showcasing the Type 8’s unwavering loyalty to their inner circle.

Mentorship with an Edge

Portnoy’s mentorship style, as seen with Alex Cooper of “Call Her Daddy,” is a mix of tough love and empowerment. He pushes talents hard but also gives them unprecedented freedom. Cooper once said, “Dave saw something in us that we didn’t even see in ourselves.”

Decisive Action and Reflection

The firing of Francis Ellis over an insensitive blog post showcases Portnoy’s decisive nature.

While the decision was swift and public, Portnoy later expressed regret, revealing a softer side: ”I like Francis. I think he’s talented… It sucked.

Empowering the Empire

Portnoy’s approach to talent is to let them build their own brands within Barstool. This aligns with the Type 8’s respect for strength and authenticity in others. As he often says, “We’re not gonna make you a star, we’re gonna let you make yourself a star.”

Romantic Relationships: The Struggle for Vulnerability

Portnoy’s romantic life reflects the Type 8’s struggle with vulnerability and emotional intimacy. His relationships, particularly his recent breakup with Silvana Mojica, provide insight into this complex dynamic.

The Silvana Chapter

Portnoy’s relationship with Silvana Mojica, which lasted from March 2021 to November 2023, showed a more public side of his romantic life. The breakup, occurring just before Thanksgiving 2023, revealed both Portnoy’s difficulty with emotional intimacy and his caring nature.

Reasons for the Split

On his “BFFs” podcast, Portnoy explained, ”We were dating for three years and I guess you get to a point where you think maybe there’s a difference in what somebody wants and what the other person wants.” He added, “Without going into too much detail, I just didn’t think I could give Silvana kind of what she deserves.” This statement aligns with the Type 8’s fear of vulnerability and potential feelings of inadequacy in intimate relationships.

Post-Breakup Dynamics

Despite the breakup, Portnoy has shown a softer side. In July 2024, he confirmed that Mojica was staying at his Montauk house, saying, “I’m glad to have her use it.” This gesture demonstrates the Type 8’s loyalty and care for those in their inner circle, even after a relationship has ended.

Emotional Impact

The breakup affected both parties deeply. Mojica shared on social media that she experienced crying spells and panic attacks, while Portnoy stated, ”I lost my best friend as well,” and expressed concern for her well-being. This mutual emotional response hints at the depth of connection possible for Type 8s, despite their tough exterior.

Moving Forward

As of July 2024, Portnoy has been linked to 25-year-old Camryn D’Aloia, suggesting a pattern of dating younger women. This could be interpreted as a Type 8 trait of seeking control or avoiding deeper vulnerability by maintaining a perceived power dynamic.

The Enneagram 8 in Relationships: Control, Protection, and Authenticity

Portnoy’s relationships, both professional and personal, showcase key Type 8 characteristics:

  • Control and Freedom: Portnoy’s need for both control and autonomy is evident in his famous quote, “I’d rather be dead than employed by someone else.” This desire for independence extends to his personal relationships.

  • Protective Instincts: Despite his tough exterior, Portnoy’s protective nature shines through in moments of crisis. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he launched the Barstool Fund to help small businesses, showing the warm heart beneath the brash persona.

  • Valuing Authenticity: Portnoy’s talent recruitment often focuses on authenticity. He once said, “I don’t care if you’re polished. I care if you’re real.”

  • Conflict and Communication: Barstool Live often showcases Portnoy’s direct communication style, which can lead to conflict. Employees have mentioned the stress of potentially getting on “Dave’s bad side,” highlighting the intense, sometimes intimidating energy of a Type 8 leader.

In essence, Dave Portnoy’s relationships reveal the complex nature of an Enneagram Type 8. His tough exterior and difficulty with vulnerability serve as a protective mechanism, but underneath lies a loyal, caring individual capable of deep connections and fierce protection of those in his inner circle. As with many Type 8s, the journey for Portnoy is learning to balance his strength with softness, his independence with intimacy, creating richer, more fulfilling relationships both professionally and personally.

The Controversies

Dave Portnoy thrives off of controversy.

However, Dave’s approach to handling these situations differs from that of most celebrities. While many public figures might issue a carefully worded apology or sidestep the issue, Portnoy faces it head-on.

Barstool has been accused of being misogynistic multiple times. However, Portnoy doesn’t come down and say that he will do better. Instead, he goes on the offense and points out that Barstool has a female CEO and multiple female employees who have gone on to start their own shows and podcasts. If Barstool was misogynistic, then women would not be killing it like they are at Barstool.

“If you want to hate us, go ahead, but we’re not going to change who we are.” - El Presidente.

Similarly, when accusations arose about promoting a toxic work culture, Portnoy took to social media to say, “If you work for us and you’re not happy, you’re free to leave. I’m not holding anyone hostage.” This wasn’t an attempt to silence critics but a declaration that he would not be bullied by controversies or slander.

Portnoy’s approach to controversies isn’t about appeasing the masses; it’s about standing his ground and doing what he believes is just. He doesn’t allow public opinion to bully him into submission. Instead, he writes his own story.

In the context of the Enneagram, this approach to controversies is typical of a Type 8 personality. 8s are known for their aggressive nature. They need to control their destiny and are always ready for a fight.

The Art of Revenge: Dave Portnoy’s Champagne Ritual

One aspect of Enneagram 8s is that they are fixated on revenge.

Revenge might sound like a strong word, but in the world of Type 8s, it’s not about malice but justice. Portnoy considers himself the underdog and keeps track of his doubters and haters. Portnoy has a collection of champagne bottles dedicated to his enemies, and he pops them open whenever one faces a downfall.

A Symbolic Gesture

This ritual aligns perfectly with the characteristics of Type 8, who often seeks to correct the record and root out injustice. Dave keeps his how scorecard and is willing to wait for his enemies to face the music. When that music finally plays, Dave is ready with a bottle of champagne.

Dave has always been a fan of Taylor Swift. He followed Taylor and Kanye’s drama, where Kanye had a lyric about Taylor, saying, “I made that bitch famous.” Taylor said she never knew about or agreed to that Lyric. However, Kim Kardashian and Kanye released a recording of Taylor green-lighting that part. Later, it came to light that Taylor’s recording was edited and was fake. Dave knows what it is like to be unfairly slandered, and he doesn’t like it. You can bet he has a bottle dedicated to Kim and Kanye.

The public display as a reminder

It is a strategic move to share these champagne-popping moments on social media.

It turns a personal ritual into a public display. This act serves a dual purpose: it rallies his supporters and sends a message to his enemies. Dave is a natural leader who is unafraid to stand alone and not afraid to display his raw emotions. It’s a window into the complex psyche of a man who could be an Enneagram Type 8, driven by a need for control, a thirst for justice, and an unyielding will to stand his ground.

Dave Portnoy giving disproval

This blog is written for you to learn about yourself, not just about Dave Portnoy

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How Each Enneagram Type Perceives Dave Portnoy

Dave is polarizing. Both his supporters and haters see different things in Dave’s personality. Let’s examine how individuals of each Enneagram type might perceive him:

Type 1- The Perfectionist:

Perception: Might view Portnoy as reckless or lacking in moral integrity due to his controversies.

Common Thought: "He needs to be more responsible and ethical in his actions."

Type 2- The Helper:

Perception: Could admire Portnoy's leadership but may wish he used his influence for more altruistic purposes.

Common Thought: "He has the power to do good; why doesn't he use it more?"

Type 3- The Achiever:

Perception: Likely to admire Portnoy's entrepreneurial success and his ability to bounce back from setbacks.

Common Thought: "His business acumen is impressive; I could learn a thing or two from him."

Type 4- The Individualist:

Perception: May appreciate Portnoy's unique approach to life but could find him too abrasive or aggressive.

Common Thought: "I like that he's different, but does he have to be so intense?"

Type 5- The Investigator:

Perception: Intrigued by Portnoy's strategic mind but may question the ethics behind some of his decisions.

Common Thought: "He's smart, but what's the deeper reasoning behind his actions?"

Type 6- The Loyalist:

Perception: Might find Portnoy's unpredictability unsettling but could admire his loyalty to his values.

Common Thought: "He's hard to pin down, but at least he's consistent in being himself."

Type 7- The Enthusiast:

Perception: Likely to find Portnoy's diverse interests and ventures exciting and inspiring.

Common Thought: "He's living the dream—doing what he loves and making a fortune out of it!"

Type 8- The Challenger:

Perception: Would probably resonate with Portnoy's need for control and his confrontational nature.

Common Thought: "He's one of us; he takes charge of his life and isn't afraid of a fight."

Type 9- The Peacemaker:

Perception: Could be put off by Portnoy's confrontational style but may appreciate his authenticity.

Common Thought: "He's too intense for me, but I respect that he's true to himself."

Wrapping It Up: The Man Behind the Millions and the Pizza Reviews

Dave Portnoy is a man of contrasts. He can do whatever he wants with a net worth of around $120 million. Yet, he does his pizza reviews almost every day. Why? Because he is a man of the people. He leads Barstool, a media empire in the making, and is constantly surrounded by content creators. Portnoy could easily delegate these reviews to someone else, but he chooses to get his hands dirty. It’s not about the pizza; it’s about staying grounded. He doesn’t care what others think; he does what he believes and sets an example.

So, what can we learn from Dave Portnoy? There’s more than meets the eye when you look deeply at people. On the surface, he may appear as just another wealthy businessman, but delve a little deeper, and you’ll find that El Presidente” is a decisive, aggressive, and unapologetic Enneagram 8.

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